DC Pickleball League

Saturday Indoor League Ladder Standings

Last updated February 21, 2025. Standings are based on results from Week 1 (Feb.15).

1Remco400.00.0 / 00.0%----4.1
2v-Simba399.08.0 / 8100.0%5.64.5
3Kyle C394.55.0 / 862.5%5.74.2
4Daniel J394.35.0 / 862.5%5.4
5Ryan G390.73.0 / 837.5%4.63.8
6Ian B387.05.0 / 862.5%7.84.6
7John T386.55.0 / 862.5%7.5
8Bill W386.13.0 / 837.5%7.04.4
9Sunvy385.91.5 / 818.8%6.74.0
10CJ378.64.0 / 850.0%10.43.7
11Steve Jo370.87.0 / 887.5%13.93.8
12Andrew M368.34.0 / 850.0%13.6
13Tim N364.41.5 / 818.8%9.04.3
14Rick W364.45.5 / 868.8%15.43.1
15Dave P358.83.0 / 837.5%15.13.9
16Beau353.26.0 / 875.0%18.42.9
17Mark S348.25.0 / 862.5%15.94.1
18Evan W341.82.0 / 825.0%15.63.8
19Clark F337.42.0 / 825.0%17.6
20Jonathan W-----0.0 / 00.0%----
21Jeremy K-----0.0 / 00.0%----
22Evan Sh334.12.5 / 735.7%19.3
23Azadeh330.23.0 / 742.9%22.13.4
24Chris P328.23.5 / 658.3%25.43.2
25Brandon H326.73.0 / 650.0%25.0
26Jeff G323.77.0 / 7100.0%36.2
27Andrew C321.73.5 / 658.3%32.63.1
28Melissa J-----0.0 / 00.0%----3.8
29Dave R318.80.0 / 00.0%----
30Isabella C-----0.0 / 00.0%----3.6
31Nate W314.82.5 / 641.7%31.0
32Ewelina304.44.0 / 757.1%30.33.0
33n-Kim K-----0.0 / 00.0%----3.4
34Kevin M294.46.0 / 875.0%36.6
35Suzanne293.82.0 / 728.6%33.03.0
36Dawit287.90.0 / 00.0%----2.8
37Adam K-----3.0 / 837.5%35.9
38n-Tricia H-----0.0 / 00.0%----3.3
39Laura G281.94.0 / 850.0%39.23.2
40Bruce B280.21.0 / 714.3%32.13.3
41Ralph A280.25.0 / 862.5%43.84.0
42Ruba269.67.0 / 887.5%46.94.4
43Andrew Q266.84.0 / 850.0%43.2
44Brooke C264.34.0 / 850.0%43.0
45Cynthia M253.30.0 / 00.0%----3.5
46Amanda F248.66.0 / 785.7%49.4
47Steve Ja248.60.0 / 80.0%38.43.5
48Emily Bl241.82.0 / 728.6%44.8
49Eric B240.43.0 / 742.9%48.6
50Dan L239.34.0 / 850.0%51.8
51Gerry S-----0.0 / 00.0%----
52n-Karina S-----0.0 / 00.0%----3.2
53Pooh223.94.0 / 757.1%54.7
54Amanda B218.35.0 / 862.5%56.9
55John Do216.13.0 / 837.5%50.5
56Steve F215.04.0 / 850.0%56.4
57Nate G214.43.0 / 742.9%57.2
58Nuria207.72.0 / 366.7%63.0
59Samantha F204.44.0 / 666.7%64.1
60Francis B202.42.0 / 728.6%61.1
61Rick L197.00.0 / 00.0%----
62Suncana-----0.0 / 00.0%----
63Claire H195.58.0 / 8100.0%72.0
64Susan G193.40.0 / 00.0%----
65Claudia G191.00.0 / 00.0%----
66Michael O-----0.0 / 00.0%----
67Rebeca R190.04.0 / 757.1%67.5
68Ladonna184.01.0 / 714.3%58.8
69Skip184.07.0 / 887.5%74.0
70Susie S183.44.0 / 850.0%70.22.8
71David G180.62.0 / 825.0%70.0
72n-Anne M-----0.0 / 00.0%----
73Rachel L167.80.0 / 70.0%64.6
74Kamile167.50.0 / 00.0%----
75Richard H159.56.0 / 875.0%78.1
76Joan B158.10.0 / 00.0%----
77Jenn Gd157.55.0 / 771.4%80.2
78Bill J156.24.0 / 757.1%79.9
79Vika151.84.0 / 850.0%77.1
80Sarita149.64.0 / 757.1%79.9
81Elizabeth K147.02.0 / 728.6%79.6
82Josie J145.62.0 / 728.6%78.7
83Emily T142.80.0 / 00.0%----
84Laura H142.50.0 / 00.0%----
85Catherine F134.71.0 / 714.3%74.8
86Patricia H126.70.0 / 60.0%80.5

*The difference in "Points Diff." between two adjacent players on the ladder corresponds to the point differential between those two players in a 4-player, 45-point round-robin match (3 games to 15 points).

**One "shootout win" is awarded for each opponent that a player outscores in their weekly round-robin match.